Easy-to-grow ground cover
Attractive late spring flowers continue into summer
Naturalizes to form large colony
Centertown, MO
Easy-to-grow ground cover
Attractive late spring flowers continue into summer
Naturalizes to form large colony
Slow-growing, deciduous shrub
Abundant fruiting
Sunpatiens Compact Blush Pink
Sunpatiens Compact Electric Orange
Sunpatiens Compact Lilac
Sunpatiens Compact Red
Sunpatiens Compact Royal Magenta
Sunpatiens Compact Tropical Rose (New for 2017)
Sunpatiens Compact White
Sunpatiens Spreading Clear Orange
Sunpatiens Spreading Clear White
Sunpatines Spreading Lavender
Sunpatiens Spreading Scarlet Red
Sunpatiens Spreading Tropical Orange
Terrific chartreuse foliage
Smaller, compact shape than native
Showy white flowers in early spring
Edible berries are favored by birds
Great fall color
Small tree native to Missouri