Periwinkle blue flowers
Compact habit
Deer and rabbit resistant
Centertown, MO
Periwinkle blue flowers
Compact habit
Deer and rabbit resistant
Anaheim Chili – 8 in. long, tapered fruit, Green to Red, 80 days to maturity
Apache – High-yielding, compact plants are great for containers, 2-3 in. fruit, Green to Red, 75 days to maturity
Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) – One of the hottest peppers, 2.5-3 in. fruit, Red, 160 days to maturity
Cayenne Long Thin – Very hot, 4-6 in. thin, tapered fruit, Green to Red, 70-75 days
Habanero – Very hot, 1-2 in. long fruit, Light Green to Orange, 95-100 days to maturity
Hungarian Hot Wax – 5 in. long, slender, Bright Yellow to Red, 65-70 days to maturity
Jalapeno – 3 in. long fruit, Green to Red, 75-80 days to maturity
Serrano – 1 in. long fruit, Bright Green to Red, 85-90 days to maturity
Super Chili – 2 in. cone shaped fruit on semi-compact plants, Green to Red, 75 days to maturity
Tiburon (Poblano) – 5 in. extra long fruit is good for roasting, Dark Green to Red, 65 days to maturity
Arkansas Traveler – 6 oz. fruit with pinkish cast, 75 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Black Krim – 8-12 oz. dark red-purple fruit, 69-90 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Brandywine Red – 10-16 oz. globe shaped fruit, 75-80 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Cherokee Purple – 10-12 oz. dusky pink fruit, 72-90 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Delicious – up to 1 lb. fruit, crack resistant, 77 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Jubilee – 8 oz. golden orange fruit, 80 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Rutgers Select – VF, 5 oz. fruit, 82 days, Determinate
Yellow Pear – FT, 1 oz. yellow pear shaped fruit, 78 days to maturity, Determinate
Chef’s Choice Orange – 9-16 oz bright orange fruit, Crack resistant, 75 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Juliet – 1 oz. red, juicy fruit, Less cracking than other cherry types, 60 days to maturity, Indeterminate
La Roma – VFN, 5-8 oz. fruit, Great for cooking, canning & paste, 76 days to maturity, Determinate
Lemon Boy – VFN, 7 oz. lemon yellow fruit, 72 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Lizzano – .4 oz. cherry fruit, Compact plants produce lots of fruit, 63 days to maturity, Semi-Determinate
Pink Girl – VF, 8 oz. pink fruit, 76 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Sunsugar – FT, 1 oz. sweet, yellow fruit, 62 days to maturity, Indeterminate
Supersweet 100 – VFT, 1 oz. red fruit, High Vitamin C content, 65 days, Indeterminate
Superb yellow foliage
Compact, slow spreading for
Deer resistant