Some sites are difficult to get anything to grow, and dry shade is one of the most difficult.
Below is a list of some plants that will work for this area:
- Perennials (blooms): Anemone, Daylily, Campanula, Geranium, Helleborus
- Perennials (foliage): Brunnera, Heuchera, Hosta
- Groundcover: Crested iris, Groundsel, English Ivy, Galium, Ginger, Lamiastrum, Liriope, Pachysandra, Vinca
- Shrubs: Barberry, Boxwood, Cotoneaster, Dogwood, Euonymus, Holly, Nandina, Spruce, Yew
- Trees: Cedar, Dogwood, Holly, Japanese Maple, Redbud, Serviceberry
Mulching with some form of organic matter, such as ground bark or compost, will help retain moisture and will also help nurture plants so that they can endure this harsh environment.