These critters work in your yard all year long. Bring them under control before they have babies in the spring.
Traps are the best control, and we have them for sale at Longfellow’s. However, sometimes trapping is not possible, therefore we recommend Holy Moley, a granulated repellent made from Castor Oil. Holy Moley has the highest concentration on the market and is competitively priced. Please ask for tips before applying, for best results.
Different types of Mole Repellents and Solutions are available:
- Gopher and Mole Repellent by Orcon
- Repellex
- Holy Moley granules
- Shake-Away Mole Repellent granules
- Mole Killer worms by Motomoco
- Mole and Gopher Sonic Spikes
- Poison Peanuts