Lawn Care
It’s time to apply winter fertilizer. High in nitrogen, the weather is still mild enough in November for the grass roots to store that nitrogen through the winter. The grass does use some during the winter, but it is there for an early green-up in the spring.
Released slowly, and as the grass needs it, the winter fertilizer is healthier for the lawn than applying fertilizer in the spring.
We carry Fertilome Winterizer.
Vegetable Gardens
Now that winter is close:
- Clean off any plant debris that may be prone to disease. For example, tomato vines can harbor so many types of diseases that it is best to clean them up and get them away from the garden.
- Till in organic matter to break down through the winter. A tilling in November brings dormant insects and eggs to the surface which will probably freeze out this winter.
- Or, pile up leaves, grass clippings, or compost on the garden to be tilled in next spring. You can bury kitchen refuse if you don’t want to bother with a compost pile.
- Sow a cover crop of winter wheat or turnips (we have both) in early November. Not only will they still germinate, but these plants will grow and hold the soil. Then, in the spring, till them back into the soil for what is called “green manure”. This adds organic matter and valuable nutrition to the soil.