Berberis thunbergii

Columnar Barberries offer incredibly vibrant shades of red, gold, and orange while maintaining an naturally upright form. They are incredibly tough shrubs, tolerating drought, clay, deer, and hot sun. Impressive when planted in groups or as a standalone feature in the landscape.
Featured Varieties:
Pow Wow – Foliage emerges bright green in spring, becoming flecked with white in summer and turning fiery red-orange in fall. 2-3 ft tall by 1-2 ft wide.
Helmond Pillar – Leaves emerge bright red and darken to deep purple through summer. Fall color is ruby-red. 3-5 ft tall by 1.5-2 ft wide.
Orange Rocket – Spring foliage is neon orange, deepening to hot scarlet with a green base in summer and brightening again in fall. 4-5 ft tall by 2-3 ft tall.
Golden Rocket – Lemon-yellow spring foliage stays bright through summer, becoming fiery orange in fall. 3-5 ft tall by 2-3 ft wide.
Sunjoy Gold Pillar – Neon lime spring foliage bears scarlet-orange tips, fading to bright gold through summer and fiery orange in fall. 3-4 ft tall by 1.5-2 ft wide.
- Barberries can tolerate some shade, but their best color comes with full, bright sun.
- Avoid planting in soggy sites, as Barberries prefer to stay on the drier side. Mix compost into the soil at planting time to improve drainage and water periodically.
- Barberries typically do not need regular fertilizing. Wood mulch provides enough nutrients as it breaks down, on top of helping to maintain even soil moisture and keeping the roots cool in the summer heat.
- While pruning isn’t usually necessary to maintain a Barberry’s shape, they can sometimes grow leggy stems that can be removed at any time. If tips do not re-leaf in spring, they should be pruned as well.
Consider these companion plants: