Intersectional Peony

The Itoh peonies are a relatively new hybrid established in Japan in 1948 by Mr. Toichi Itoh. Intersectional peonies (Itoh) are hybrids of the woody Tree Peonies and herbaceous Garden Peonies.
These peonies offer a long blooming season because of their ability to produce primary and secondary buds. The shorter compact stems allow for mature plants to hold up to 30 flowers.
Varieties may include:
- Bartzella – Large, lemon-yellow flowers vary from double to semi-double, 6″ flowers, very fragrant
- Hillary – Large, double to semi-double pink blooms, fragrant
- Morning Lilac – Showy 9″ fuchsia flowers, long blooming
- Scarlet Heaven – Deep scarlet red flowers
Characteristics & Attributes
Height: 30-36 inches
Hardiness Zone: