Available for 2023
- All Star – June bearing,
- Honeoye – June bearing
- Eclair – June bearing
- Chandler – June bearing
- Ozark Beauty – Everbearing
- Fort Laramie – Everbearing
June bearing strawberries produce a crop during a two-to-three week period in mid to late May. June bearing strawberries have larger and more abundant fruit than everbearing strawberries. June bearing plants will also send out more runners from the parent plant after fruiting.
Everbearing plants produce two three crops of berries throughout the year, usually spring, summer and fall.
Plant strawberries as soon as the ground can be worked in the spring. This allows the plants to become well established before the hot weather arrives. Plants are available at Longfellow’s starting in mid-March.
Strawberries prefer a well drained soil, high in organic matter.
They need full sun for the highest yields, at least 6 hours per day.