Plant tomatoes in the garden AFTER any chance of frost, which is usually early-mid May. Planting early stunts the plants so that they never bear properly. Tomatoes love the heat, therefore plant them in warmer weather. Water in transplants with a solution of Fertilome Blooming & Rooting. Mulch with compost, newspapers, and/or straw right away to retain moisture and keep plants free from any of the blight diseases.
The varieties we grow are:
- Better Boy – 8 oz. fruit, 75 days to maturity, Indeterminate, A, F, S, V
- Big Beef – 10-12 oz. fruit, 73 days to maturity, Indeterminate, A, F, St, V
- Burpee Big Boy – 8-9 oz. fruit, 78 days to maturity, Indeterminate, A
- Bush Champion II – 9-12 oz. fruit, 65 days to maturity, Determinate, A, F, St, ToMV, V
- Celebrity – 8 oz. fruit, 72 days to maturity, Determinate, F, N TMV, V
- Early Girl – 4-6 oz. fruit, 60 days to maturity, Indeterminate, A, F, St, V
- Homeslice – 5-6 oz. fruit, Great in containers and small gardens, 63 days to maturity, Determinate, F, V
- Jet Star – 6-8 oz. fruit, 72 days to maturity, Indeterminate, F, V
- Park’s Whopper – 12 oz. fruit, 65 days to maturity, Indeterminate, F, N, V
Disease Tolerance Key:
A – Alternaria Stem Canker
F – Fusarium Wilt
LB – Late Blight
N – Nematodes
S – Gray Leaf Spot
St – Stemphylium
TMV – Tobacco Mosaic Virus
ToMV – Tomato Mosaic Virus
V – Verticillium
Growth Habit:
Indeterminate (pole or stake type) plants continue growing and setting fruit all season. Harvest usually lasts for several months. The plants often need staking.
Determinate (bush type) plants reach a certain height and stop setting fruit. Harvest usually happens around the same time. Cages are best to help support the plants.
Don’t see the variety you are looking for? Longfellow’s provides a custom growing service. Bring your own seeds or we can order them for you. For more information, contact Erin by phone: 573-584-9611 or email: erinmarkway.allnoneoutdoor@gmail.com