To help control the amount of deer in your yard safely, you can plant varieties that deer don’t particularly like. If, however, you must have that Cherry Tree, Hydrangea, or Geranium, there are other ways to repel deer as well. It is fine to mix resistant plants with repellents for double protection!
Below is a list of some deer resistant plants. For a complete list, come by Longfellow’s. We will be glad to help you.
- Perennials: Allium, Bearded Iris, Daffodils, Japanese Painted Fern, Liriope, Peony, Salvia
- Herbs: Lavender, Mint, Rosemary, Thyme
- Annuals: Ageratum, Dusty Miller, Lantana, Zinnia
- Shrubs: Abelia, Barberry, Boxwood, Burning Bush, Crape Myrtle, Holly, Common Lilac, Spirea
- Trees: Birch, Pine, Serviceberry, Spruce
Other repellents include: pepper, soap, bloodmeal, Shake Away, Liquid Fence, and Bobbex. Try changing the type of repellent you use periodically to keep deer from getting used to it.